Active Projects
We offer our platform to give voice to local projects, and with your help we provide solutions.
When donating through direct deposit, Paypal or Amigos of Costa Rica site, please add the name of the project you would like to support in the description.

Palo Vivo
Creating meaningful connections with nature
Funds required to create a fully functional educational organization that is in good legal standing in order to continually provide the youth of Monteverde and the surrounding areas the opportunity to develop a deeper connection with nature, as well as with their fellow community members.

Environment + Youth
Tree climbing: Though the sport of climbing is an individual experience, the lessons that can be learned from it apply to a multitude of relations - from personal to global.
Planting trees: We are connected with several landowners who are excited about having trees planted on their properties. We are continually looking for interested landowners and new locations where future reforestation projects could take place.
Research and education: Through tree climbing, we are able to teach perseverance, inner strength, focus, and teamwork in the context of nature.

Cerro Plano
Community Garden
A bull-ring transformed into a food security hub.
Funds required to create a system for collecting and storing rainwater which will allow proper irrigation in the garden.

Food Security
Born in 2020 as Monteverde faced its biggest socioeconomic crisis, the Cerro Plano Community Garden has become a beacon of hope.
The food garden is an alliance between the Cerro Plano Public School and CORCLIMA, with support from local organizations. A percentage of the food will be destined to the school kitchen and in addition, around 20 families with spaces for personal cultivation will be benefited.

SOS: El grito del
Puma y Ganaderos
Promoting harmony between wildlife and farmers.
Funds required to purchase equipment, extend the programs duration and include more farms in the cloud forest region.

The project "El grito de pumas y ganaderos" is an initiative created by El Tigre Waterfalls, the National System of Conservation Areas CR (SINAC) and Panthera Costa Rica that aims, through different strategies, to minimize/eradicate the attacks of wild felines in cattle farms in the Monteverde area and surroundings,
In the process of dealing with the attacks, in addition to implementing anti-predatory methods such as electric fences, acoustic cannons, bell collars among others, the rancher is also given an accompaniment to improve the management of their farm, optimize production and, incidentally, reduce the risk of new incidents with the wildlife with which it coexists.

The new local currency of Monteverde, designed to provide resilience to our already existing economy.
Funds required to expand, modify and improve the use of the platform developed by Cambiatus to adapt to the particularities and needs of Monteverde.

Smart Economy
La Tilichera is a platform that cultivate the cultural roots of barter and exchange in the community of Monteverde and its surroundings. Our goal is to promote the circulation of merchandise between sectors and individuals of the community in order to promote a circular economy and facilitate access to needs for vulnerable actors using trade and VRD's (our local coin) and allowing an easier and more equitable way to barter for locally produced products and services,
In addition, this effort is supporting families to be able to send their children to the Friends School through an exchange of their services to La Tilichera.

Teiwaz Martial Arts
Strength, discipline and youth empowerment.
Funds required to purchase equipment and materials and to strengthen the scholarship program.

Youth + Culture
Teiwaz is a martial arts program for children and teenagers. It's main objective is to provide more opportunities for physical and mental health for this population in the area.
The instructor travels every week to give the lessons in four different communities inside the Monteverde region.
In order to involve more children, the instructor has sacrificed his income, providing partial to total scholarships to more than 60% of the participants.
As part of the program, participants and their parents also created a fruit tree nursery, with the support of the Monteverde Community Fund. By selling the fruit trees, they have helped themselves to pay the monthly fee. This project also includes participating in forest and fruit tree plantation in one of the local farms.

La Tilichera
Trading and upcycling in the Cloud Forest.
Funds required to purchase a sewing machine and the necessary accessories to manufacture.

Smart Economy
La Tilichera is a platform that cultivate the cultural roots of barter and exchange in the community of Monteverde and its surroundings. Our goal is to promote the circulation of merchandise between sectors and individuals of the community in order to promote a circular economy and facilitate access to needs for vulnerable actors using trade and VRD's (our local coin) and allowing an easier and more equitable way to barter for locally produced products and services,
In addition, this effort is supporting families to be able to send their children to the Friends School through an exchange of their services to La Tilichera.